Thursday 20 March 2014

Visits to Rotary Club of Kumbo Projects In Kumbo

Meeting With The  Rotary Club of Kumbo:

Meeting With Rotary Club of Kumbo, Pres Elect and Pres Devine,
Allan and Lydia being presented with  Cameroonian  Hand Crochet Hats and Bags

The Rotary Club of Kumbo Is Very Special

Working three years as a Volunteer in the Cameroon, one recommendation I would make to a community in the Cameroon aiming to better itself would be to form a Rotary Club.  In Kumbo, nine years ago, a group of people began meeting to do just that.  They had no one to help them so they would go on the internet, each researching an aspect of Rotary on line, then presenting it to the group.  In time they applied to be granted a charter.
For many years, they still felt alone and isolated but managed to implement several projects.  They organized and took us for a day to visit these projects.  Heart warming, touching, incentive promoting to say the least.  Join us as we visit together.

Visits to Rotary Club of Kumbo Projects:

VIP Latrine:  Impressive structure nearing completion. Badly needed.  Construction looks good.  Presbyterian School in Kumbo. 
 Headmaster Presbyterian School in Kumbo
The Vent For the Latrine

Inspector Allan and Rotarian Ibraham carrying Lydia’s computer bag.   

Play Yard for the Children

One Of The School Buildings
59 In This Class!
At present, there is NO place for the children to 
go to the bathroom.  Allan told me to stop the video.  He later told me the reason was a little girl was pulling down her pants on this play ground to go to the bathroom.  Human dignity is about to be restored to these teachers and children, over 500 of them thanks to the Rotary Club of Hepworth/Shallow Lake!  The picture in the center is one part of the school.  Classes are extremely overcrowded.  I can’t imagine 53 in a classroom, never mind 89 little ones! 

Visit the Rotary of Kumbo Latrine  Project With Us:
 The video shows the venting system, seven stalls, a washing station, the location of the latrine on the upper level from the school, the headmaster introduces us to the school telling us the numbers of students in each class (53-89).   The latrine will serve the school and will be used by the church as needed.  Rotary Club of Kumbo President Devine gives us some good laughs!  Enjoy the video made on site:
Sportsfield Project:  The sports  field is ready to be seeded.  Presently it is one big field of red soil.  The washroomsare completed and are padlocked.
Washrooms At The Sportsfield

Sports Field Ready For Seeding

            Hospital:  Two projects have been undertaken by Rotary at the hospital.  After a doctor doing a caesarean section had to finish his surgery using a flashlight, the Rotary Club decided a generator was needed!  Five months ago a new doctor arrived, Dr. William Wirngo.  The patient load has increased tremendously since.  We waited patiently and were fortunate to have an excellent conference with Dr. Wirngo.  Equipment is needed.  Basic maternity equipment:  beds, delivery table, incubators, the list is long.  Lives are lost now because when a problem is faced, it is a long distance to a hospital where care can be given. There is one primitive delivery table.  If that is occupied, the patient must deliver in a bed.   We came out to the front of the hospital with Dr. Wirngo and President Divine for a picture.
Allan, Dr.Wirngo, Lydia and Pres Rotary Club of Kumbo, Devine.

The second project dug a containment pit for medical wastes because the open pit previously used was dangerous for children (needles, contaminated waste etc).  The picture to the left shows the containment pit, the second a new empty building built by government for the hospital but no allocation of funds were made for equipment!
Containment Pit For Hospital Waste

New Hospital Empty


School:  Project undertaken by Rotary Club in France and Rotary Club of Kumbo. It took us about ½ hour to travel to the campus of Saint Pie College of Tatum to visit a large project:  20 HP Flat Screen computers, a 33 KVA Generator, etc as well documented on the sign.  This trip was delightful.  The campus is beautifully tucked into a sheltered ravine allowing the well established  teacher training institution (one of the first in Cameroon), its dormitories, schools, church, farm and hilltop restaurant and bar to be self enclosed in a beautiful setting.     We were warmly received as Rotarians and given the royal treatment!

Rev Borther Simon Kanjam
 Rotary Club of Kumbo President Devine (right)
Students Join Us 

We met with Rev Brother Simon Kanjam who explained how he wrote a big proposal for computers and a generator for the school.  Through the Catholic network, the Rotary Club of Saint Etienne Vallee Du Gier and the Rotary Club of Firminy, both in France combined to make this project possible.  They discovered that there was a Rotary Club in Kumbo and together they made history! 

Students Getting Water On Campus
Beautiful Campus

Rev Brother Simon, Our Host
Brother Simon Planned the Project For The Computer Lab
The internet is connected to the hilltop restaurant and guest house but is not yet available to the students in the computer lab.  Dry season dust is a problem for the computer lab. The computer lab is most impressive as are the students!

The computers, each with their 
own desk and chair are impressive

A dedicated volunteer from California 
has been here three years
toured us through the computer lab.
 Internet Is Available at the Hilltop Breeze Resort
But Not At the Computer Lab As Yet

The picture on the right is taken from the farm area looking up at the campus.


The students were practicing for their examinations.  They were asked to delay their lunch to assemble so that they themselves could show their appreciation for what Rotary has done for their school.

  Center Rotary Club of Kumbo President Devine with Rotarian Lydia on our way to see the big generator housed in the building to the left.  This generator allows the campus to have reliable electricity for everything including study time for students (5 hours/evening) and preparation time for teachers. 


Just to assure you that we can enjoy ourselves, here is a special picture from the Hilltop Restaurant where we enjoyed drinks with Rev Brother Simon!  The Rotarian on the left, trying to hide, is Ibraham.  Tatum is his home area.  He graduated from the nearby high school. He drove us and was a great guide. 


Water Project in Boro Community:

 Rotarian  Ibraham showed us pictures of this project and explained the project we downloaded the pictures to my computer.  Impressive. I think Ibraham was surprised that we visited the Boro community of Sabga and have continued to help one family adjust to moving to Bamenda to peruse work and school here.  As well, the first project of the Rotary Club of Truro in Cameroon was  in a Boro community (GS Illum).  Right away Ibraham said that so many Boro girls get pregnant at 13!  Himself a Boro, he has an indepth understanding of the herdsman and the needs of the community.  With this motivation, the Rotary Club of Kumbo undertook a water project in a Boro community.  He showed us a picture of a little girl who was bitten by a snake going to get water for her family.  The picture was taken after the snake bite when the swelling in her eyes had almost disappeared.   The other pictures are of her with her brothers and sisters who also help carry water! 

Prior to the water project, the community was drinking from the same water hole as the cattle were drinking from.
Watering Hole Shared By People And Cattle
 The sequence of pictures show (not necessarily in order) the progression from finding a water source high in the hills, making a sanitary catchment, making a channel down the hillside, then making a separate water trough for the cattle and a sanitary tap for the people to collect water from.



Safe drinking water for the community brought to the community so that children do not have to trek through dangerous territory long distances uphill for water!  Water separate for the cattle. 

Ibrihim would be glad to answer any questions you might have about this water project.  His email

Congratulations on great project work!

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